Christopher Fujino
Senior Software Engineer at Google


Google Senior Software Engineer
Tech Lead, Flutter Tooling
Nov 2022 - Present
Flutter is Google's open source, cross-platform application framework allowing a single codebase to target Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, and the web.
Flutter's CLI tool orchestrates Flutter app builds encompassing compilation across Dart for a developer's code along with Java/Kotlin, Objective-C/Swift, C++, or JavaScript for native code. This also includes debug-mode builds, involving stateful hot reload of Dart code just in time compiled and release builds ahead of time compiled to machine code.
I lead design review, crash & issue triage, and code review of both full time employees and open source contributors. Features I've built include:
  • Flutter Preview device, allowing developers to experience Flutter's stateful hot reload without requiring a native build toolchain
  • Font tree-shaking for the web, reducing the download size of icon fonts by removing code points not referenced from the app
  • Infrastructure for codesigning pre-compiled binaries that are distributed to end users

Google Software Engineer
Flutter Tooling, Flutter open source release engineer
Feb 2019 - Oct 2022
Owned the release process for Flutter, Google's open source cross-platform application toolkit.

Rocksbox Software Engineer
Full-Stack Web Developer
Sep 2017 - Feb 2019
Full stack web developer on a small engineering team, specializing in the backend.
Set up the frontend JavaScript build configuration and initial architecture for a complete refactor of the codebase from jQuery to React.
Leveraged previous experience with Linux Systems Administration to lead most DevOps tasks, maintaining configuration, cloud container infrastructure orchestration, and database maintenance.